Leroy is the name of the dessert du jour served here today, courtesy of Boynapped... And, if you're like the lucky patron here, you'll appreciate the self-service toppings that are provided... berries and whipped cream.
And what's the best way to tackle a dessert like this? Well, if you like a little bondage, you'll prefer to have your fresh boy tied to the ceiling, so you can better spread the whipped cream all over his chest, without those muscular arms in the way. Then you'll be free to nibble on his nips and lips, sharing that sweet berry juice and, of course, savoring his big cream-filled ding-dong all to yourself.
If it were up to me, I'd also be licking and sucking those pits too, which can be a rare treat... Once you're admitted (and committed) to liking oral sexual activities, you discover a certain hunger for every taste... I usually start with French kissing (the French do know something about culinary delights). The mere act of licking someone's lips, swapping your salivary juices, mixing them as one, creates a wonderful, intoxicating aperitif. Then I move to the neck and ear (my own ears are a big sexual trigger)... Licking my way down to a guy's nips, I usually take my time nibbling, tugging, biting and sucking, like a baby. Maybe it's because you are so close to the heart, but I sometimes find sucking guy's nipples very special. You can lean your head to one side, listen to his heart beating and look up and see his pleasure or determine how far you can explore... Does he like it harder or softer? It's the key point to discover where the entire sexual encounter will go. Then lean your head to the other side and you see the road (sometimes a treasure trail, if you're lucky) to the ultimate goal...
Finally reaching the cock, I like to take my time and enjoy every inch. It's such a special, personal menu item... You know its on the table at every male-to-male restaurant, but you also never know how it will taste, how it will look, how it will be prepared, what size portion it will be, until you arrive at each new encounter... Will it be American-style, all trimmed and neatly cut, skinless? Or will it be more worldly, served with all its skin and natural juices and flavor intact? Better yet, will it be even more exotic... Foreign meals can look very different and have a very pleasantly unusual appeal to eye and experience for the tastebuds.
Whatever the preparation, I have enjoyed every one... and always eat everything put in front of me. The base (either served in its typical salad of delectable public hairs... or served plain, as if prepared by a nouvelle cuisine chef), the nuts (even if you consider them a mere garnish, you always must taste), the shaft (despite common belief, almost any size or thickness can be very good), the crown (soft, spongy or hard and firm), and the tip, which if you're lucky will be oozing that sweet, clear honey... I love it all.

And, while we're talking about eating out... we can't forget to mention the most savory of male delicacies... Rimming a hole can be a rare treat, not always served, not always requested... It's like any internal organ meat. To some people, it's like liver, you either like it or you don't... Or, like me, you discover it's an acquired taste, best appreciated as an adult... New to you? Try a little whipped cream, chocolate or honey to get started. You never know... you might like it. You may even discover you like it served raw and decadent.
That brings us back to this scene from Boynapped. (Click here to see the video... and more from the site.)
Yum! Now I'm jealous... and hungry. "I'll have what he's having!"
Happy Valentine's Day
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