With the Internet and digital cameras, more and more hazing activities are becoming public, like this images allegedly submitted for cash to Haze Him. com from students at an unidentified East Coast college, where these four pledges had to dress in old-fashioned long johns and had the word "HAZE" written on their asses. Building up on the humiliation, they were then spanked with paddles...
The rumors of sexual activity among fraternities have been going on for years, so when we see that these pledges were forced to suck cock it's not surprising... What IS surprising are the smiles on their faces... especially when they gleefully look into the cameras.
Then when we see the pledges easily getting naked and doing some butt-fucking with their fraternity brothers, one begins to wonder about the true "reality" of the situation.
The cum facials have me questioning too... Is that real cum or Elmer's Glue?
Well, whether these scenes are staged or not doesn't really matter... We get to see some cute college boy ass and dick, not to mention the good cocksucking and anal action... However, it does make me wonder what really happens in true frat hazing activity. When you're at a business meeting or at an airport, look around, think about all of the guys who are college grads and what they had to do "in secret" to pledge a fraternity... My Jesuit college didn't have fraternities or sororities, but if what happens in other colleges and universities is anything like this, it almost makes the high price of college tuition worth it...
Or these scenes prove that college boys will do anything for beer and drug money... Check all of these pictures and videos at Haze Him.
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