A special holiday weekend sometimes leads to some special intense celebration. That's the case here in this
Titan Men scene (Wet and Wild) with
Thor Larson and
Ethan Ayers...
We first catch them as Ethan is servicing the bearded daddy Thor... kissing him, slapping his hairy pecs, licking his pits, and tugging on his stretched balls... Then Thor gets some licks in to Ethan's pits before they turn their attention to their cocks. Thor deepthroats Ethan, then Ethan nibbles on Thor's foreskin.

Then things get raunchy when Thor "gets on his knees, begging for piss—which quickly flies into his mouth, drenching Thor’s body as the thirsty fucker spits some back up. Ethan eats him out before fucking him deep. On his back, Thor gets a big dildo twisted in, a smiling Ethan punching the base. The alpha slides his fist inside, slowly working his
second fist in as Thor guides the muscular forearm. With one arm out, Ethan continues to fist him as Thor grips his own boner. “Piss on my hole!” he demands, Ethan dousing the red center. Ethan slides his left fist in again, Thor slapping his boner on the stud’s face. Ethan slides his right arm inside at the same time,
both arms in deep as Thor grunts. Ethan swings him back and forth, Thor lifting his ass in the air. With one arm out, Ethan fists him deep—nearly up to his elbow. Thor squirts before getting another stream of piss all over him..."
Intense... masculine... heavy duty... This scene has all the hallmarks of