Here, five guys are jerking off with a purpose…
"Adding drama and incentive to the proceedings, a lone chocolate muffin sits on the table in front of them, ready to absorb the 'man-glaze' and resting as a 'reward' for whoever finishes last…"
This might be a reward for many of this blog's readers. However, to straight or bi guys (or to any gay guy for whom cumeating is still a novelty), this is one of those ultimate challenges… But one you won't find on a network TV reality show (or Food Network recipe!). Yes, it can only be found on websites like Circle Jerk Boys.

Look for this "Glazed Muffin" scene at Circle Jerk Boys for inspiration on how to create your own culinary challenge (either solo or in your next group session)… whether it's glazing muffins, blending cream into scrambled eggs... or adding more protein to your Greek yogurt.