I recently found this slightly tongue-in-cheek list of 11 U.S. Presidents Who Might've Been Gay. So, in honor of President's Day, I'd like to share it this week. Originally published last fall, a bit before the rumors about Richard Nixon and Bebe Rebozo came to light (see my January 2nd news update), this author's list might seem a bit outdated, but it's still fun to read these excerpts and wonder, from their "special" male friendships to downright nelliness...

2. Abraham Lincoln - "There's a ton of talk about Lincoln's potential homosexuality. Most of it centers on his relationship with a man named Joshua Speed. Lincoln and Speed spent four years living together and sharing a small bed -- and therein lies the "silver bullet" of the speculation..."

5. Dwight Eisenhower - "... In 1953, Eisenhower signed Executive Order 10450, which classified gays and lesbians as potential national security threats and banned them from working for the government... And with that, Eisenhower fills my "the lady doth protest too much" slot on this list.

6. Lyndon Johnson - "Many historians attribute a big portion of LBJ's political success to a man named Walter Jenkins, who served as his top and closest aide from 1939 (when Johnson was in Congress) until a month before the 1964 presidential election. Jenkins resigned in October of 1964 when he was caught with a young man in a YMCA bathroom.."

7. Thomas Jefferson - "There was a sarcastic New Yorker write-up of why Thomas Jefferson might've been gay last year... He was America's first foodie, he imported fine exotic foods, but always stayed skinny... he obsessively decorated and chose furniture for Monticello... he never remarried after his wife died at age 39... he loved Paris... he seems to have dyed his hair... he had a lisp... and he loved birdwatching."

8. Bill Clinton - "... You find yourself involved in enough threesome, foursomes... and eventually you're going to cross swords with someone."

10. John F. Kennedy - "a book called Jack and Lem dug deep into his lifelong friendship with a gay man named Lem Billings... and at least threw some iffiness into the mix. The author of the book, David Pitts, says he concluded JFK and Lem never got physically intimate with each other... but were definitely emotionally intimate..."

11. Barack Obama??? - "... I never thought it was a possibility until I saw the tabloid cover pictured to the right. Although, honestly, if I opened that up in the grocery store checkout line, I probably would've been more drawn to the story about the "Rampaging Chimp Tragedy." That sounds nuts.
Still, tabloid speculation and being one of the most pro-gay rights presidents ever isn't enough to push him any higher on the list than last."
Remember the Watergate scandal? Well, here's a scandalous Fetish Force solo scene with Francois Sagat, where the floodgates open, and the "water" is flowing...
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