Thursday, January 13, 2011

Look Around... Please Vote and Rate My Blog!

Here's a special note of appreciation to you guys who've voted for my blog on Best Male Blogs... If you haven't yet, please follow this link to add your vote and rating for me... to help move it up on their list and to help others to find it.

If you're new to my blog, take a look around. Since starting this on November 10th, just two months ago, I've attracted over 13,000 hits... from the U.S. and around the world.  The top foreign countries are: (in order) Germany, Canada, the U.K., France, Spain, Italy, Brazil, Australia and the Netherlands... So, there are plenty of cocksucking fans out there!

Thank you all. And keep reading and coming back! I try to update it every day or so.

Personally, I'll be adding some extra pages soon with more info about me and my freelance writing, editing, photography, video and other marketing abilities... I'm currently looking for new projects (or a new full-time gig, if the offer is right)... I'd also appreciate your general comments too... So, feel free to contact me, just email anytime:

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